
Thursday, April 30, 2020

Chain Mail

I think we all feel like we've been chained up lately...

Monday, April 27, 2020

Creativity in the Time of Coronavirus

I wanted to share this short video, which I personally found inspiring. In times of crisis, the seeming futility of my chosen profession in fashion often leaves me feeling a bit "less than" friends who are doctors or journalists or public servants. Art and other "non-essential" businesses like fashion can be easily dismissed or even criticized for being insensitive to the gravity of world events such as war, hunger, and yes, a global health pandemic. I would agree that a doctor or a nurse or a farmer are certainly more critical at this time than almost everything else but if we carve out all the creatives, we would be left with a society that swims in very dark and dystopian waters.

Imagine a world where everyone had to be "essential" by these definitions. That would mean no music, no Netflix, no chefs teaching us tasty new recipes, no team sports, no paintings, no books, no TikTok or Instagram and no fashion either. We would only exist to ensure that everyone survives but perhaps where no one thrives.

The man in this video is a shoemaker. This was his calling. He is intense about his work in a way that leaves no doubt that he does this for his own personal fulfillment; the penultimate "artist." It is exactly the purity of his pursuits that imbues his art with meaning, which in turn bestows happiness on to a stranger who may one day wear his creations. By much broader philosophical definitions than we ever think to credit, he is essential.

I am no fool...most fashion does not do this but he allows us to dream...which in times of crisis, really does seem necessary.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Gorgeous Crochet Dresses

Crochet is a Spring/Summer staple but I'm seeing a lot of really beautiful, elevated looking dresses.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

The Artist as Muse

I always find it interesting when I notice patterns.  They may not necessarily be a trend just whatever catches my own personal eye and resonates.

Inspired  by....ROY LICHTENSTEIN

"Maybe" by Roy Lichtenstein, 1965
Makeup Artist Rommy Najor Portrait Series w. Nina Agdal

Inspired by....Giacomo Balla

Considered the father of Futurist Fashion, Balla began designing textiles and suits around 1912. You can see Balla's influence practically everywhere now especially in Athleisure and Performance clothes.

I see Pucci in this one.


Monday, April 6, 2020

Thursday, April 2, 2020