Saturday, March 5, 2016

News | The Weekly Edit 3.5.16

I decided to flex some dusty journalistic curiosity so I'm trying something new out here on The Darker Horse.  Fashion is a big industry which crosses different political, cultural, and economic boundaries.  There are almost 7.5 billion people in the world spending more than 2.5 trillion dollars annually on textiles and apparel according to the World Economic Forum. That also translates to a lot of jobs beyond what you may typically ascribe to the so-called "glamorous" world of fashion. Over 4 million of those people work in the US alone.  Approximately 60 million work in the industry globally.  Fashion is major.  It's not only relevant, it's critical to the way our world functions.


FOR WONKY TYPES:  (old publications but statistically very interesting)



TDH Editors' Note:  Cornell is my alma mater and these are the kinds of things to which some of my professors would dedicate their life's research.  If you read through the article you will note that this innovation could be a harbinger of what's to come in the world of wearables.

I'm traveling to China on business in a week so there may be a gap in postings.  Until then...let me know what you think of this new idea in the comments section below as well as what topics you might like to read about.

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